The Achilles tendon, being the largest tendon in the human body, is the most prone to injury. From athletes pushing their limits to individuals engaging in everyday activities, Achilles tendon injuries cause significant pain, decrease mobility, and have a lengthy recovery time.
Whether your patient suffers from a tendon rupture or tendinitis, ankle foot orthoses (AFOs) can help manage Achilles Tendon injuries. An ankle foot orthosis (AFO) is a medical device that supports and aligns the ankle and foot. You may prescribe this type of device when your patient requires assistance managing specific conditions or mobility issues related to their lower limbs. In this blog, we explore the use of AFOs in managing Achilles tendon injuries.
Understanding Achilles Tendon Injuries
The two main types of Achilles tendon injuries are a rupture or tear in the limb and tendinitis. Both ailments cause pain and stiffness in the back of the leg near the heel, swelling and inflammation in the injury site, and limited mobility. One of the main functions of the Achilles tendon is plantarflexion, which is the act of positioning the foot with the toes pointing away from the leg. When the Achilles tendon is injured and plantarflexion is disrupted, patients experience trouble lifting their heel and standing on the tips of their toes.
The Role of an Achilles Tendon Brace in Rehabilitation
Our unique modular AFOs provide a non-surgical treatment option for lower extremity ailments like Achilles tendon injuries and help patients manage pain, improve mobility, and accelerate rehabilitation.
While we manufacture more than ten different types of AFOs for various conditions, most of these lower-extremity medical devices share multiple features that support healing and prevent further injury:
Plantarflexion and dorsiflexion adjustability of various degrees
Compatibility with our other orthotic liner variations
Superior integrity of the superstructure
Clinically proven and effective ambulation
Selecting the most appropriate AFO for your injured patient depends on their unique condition, needs, and lifestyle. We designed several orthotic braces that can be used to manage a tendon or ligament tear/rupture:
With so many options, working closely with an orthotist to choose, fit, and adjust the AFO is the best way to ensure the brace's effectiveness in promoting healing and protecting the tendon from added strain.
How AFOs Can Be Customized to Address Achilles Tendon Injuries
As a leading provider of prefabricated devices for lower and upper extremity needs, our team can customize braces for specific patient needs and anatomical variations, including Achilles tendon injuries. Here's how AFOs can be customized:
Accurate Anatomical Structure: We use traditional casting methods to custom-fit the AFO to your patient. This fitting accurately captures the patient's anatomical structure, ensuring that the Achilles tendon brace treats the injury and fits the foot and leg precisely.
Various Material Options: We offer multiple materials for customizing your patient's brace. You can select plastic, carbon fiber, metal, or a combination of these options based on your patient's needs. For example, a patient with an active lifestyle may benefit most from a brace made of lightweight materials.
Proper Ankle and Foot Alignment: Our customization methods guarantee that the AFO correctly aligns your patient's ankle and foot, addressing any issues with stability and gait as they experience mobility struggles from the injured Achilles tendon.
Strap and Closure Adjustments: We can accommodate the brace's straps, closures, and fasteners for a secure fit and ease of use.
Shoe Compatibility: We can design the brace to fit comfortably inside your patient's chosen shoes. This customization feature accounts for your patient's daily activities and footwear preferences.
As patient comfort is always at the forefront of our minds, we offer a range of customization options for the Achilles tendon brace. Our focus is to provide a brace with the best possible fit, support, and comfortability, and we're happy to work with you to create the best orthotic device for your patient.
Why Quality Matters in Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFO) Design
As a leading provider of prefabricated and custom-made medical devices for upper and lower extremity needs, Anatomical Concepts takes a multi-disciplinary treatment approach, working directly with medical professionals to develop customized treatment plans, rehabilitation schedules, and bracing programs. We ensure the highest quality in both manufacturing and materials.
In addition to our full customization capabilities detailed above, our products have no PVC-based plastics, kydex, or latex. As a result, we improve patient outcomes by avoiding allergic reactions and skin irritation associated with chemicals in these materials.
Further Resources
Our expert team of orthotists at Anatomical Concepts is more than happy to assist you in selecting the right Achilles tendon brace for your injured patient. You can request a free quote for any of our AFOs or contact us directly here.