Diabetes is not bounded to a distinct organ or tissue. Since the disease affects blood vessels and nerves, any part of the body can be impacted. Cardiovascular disease, nerve, eye and kidney damage, hearing impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, skin conditions and even depression are among the many complications one can suffer from diabetes.
One of the conditions mentioned is nerve damage. Referred to as diabetic neuropathy, when there is an abundance of sugar present in the body, the walls surrounding blood vessels that nourish the nerves can be compromised. This indirectly causes a tingling sensation, numbness, burning or pain felt in the fingers or feet and increasingly spreads upward to the hands or legs. If not treated promptly, all sense of feeling in the limbs could be lost.
Diet and exercise can prevent and even reverse the onset of diabetes. For individuals with diabetic neuropathy, proper foot care and orthotic treatment help keep symptoms at bay while preventing increased complications. Daily foot checks are highly recommended as the smallest blister, bug bite or foot sore could lead to severe health risks, including foot infection, skin ulcer and even the possibility of amputation. Thoroughly washing and cleaning feet and toes in lukewarm water, trimming toenails, wearing dry socks and comfortable, supportive shoes can reduce pain and lessen the impact of muscle weakness and strengthen stability.
An orthotist plays an important role in the treatment of diabetes, especially with providing relief of insufficient vascularity and neural function associated with diabetic neuropathy. A custom-made or custom-fitted orthosis will be recommended based on many variables to ensure proper support and adequate healing.
It’s widely known ankle foot orthoses (AFOs) and knee ankle foot orthoses (KAFOs) aid in the healing of lower extremity injuries (hip, knee, ankle, toe), as well as serve as a treatment option for chronic pain. However, there may be a misrepresentation the deeper underlying issue is strictly defined to mechanical stability and lower limb assistance. When in fact though, an AFO and KAFO can address sensory deficits, adjusting various gait parameters and can be the most important factor in preventing ulcerations.
This type of device provides a more precise and simplified method of setting the ankle and foot complex in the sagittal plane at plus or minus 30 degrees. The posterior approach requires controlling one upright joint, which lessens the chances of mechanical failure while also eliminating any pressure to the medial and lateral aspects of the malleoli that can be attributed with two joint systems.
Bariatric AFO along with AFOs and KAFOs in general can provide the necessary sensory input that facilitates postural balance and dynamic balance. This helps people with diabetes, specifically, those suffering from diabetic neuropathy, the ability to reduce pain while strengthening mobility and functionality of the lower extremities with orthoses.