ABBY™ Articulating Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO)
ABBY™ Articulating Ankle Foot Orthosis is a multi-functional posterior dual-jointed AFO for your patients in the earliest stages of rehabilitation. With a stable base of support for ambulation, it replicates the bio-mechanical effects of a semi solid or PLS AFO.

APU® Articulating Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO)
The APU® Articulating Ankle Foot Orthosis is an Adjustable Posterior Upright design that provides the practitioner a more precise, simplified, and calibrated method of setting the optimal + or – 30º dorsi/plantar flexion angle for the patients foot ankle complex.

Bariatric Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO)
Anatomical Concepts Inc. introduces the Bariatric Orthosis. This AFO was designed to accommodate your larger patients. The Bariatric Orthosis can be used on the ambulatory and recumbent patient. Comes with a standard 3/16" aluminum heavy-duty heel bar.
We also offer an APU® (Adjustable Posterior Upright) option, utilizing our heavy-duty APU® joint.