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ABBY™ Articulating Ankle/Foot Orthosis is a multi-functional posterior dual-jointed AFO for your patients in the earliest stages of rehabilitation. With a stable base of support for ambulation, it replicates the bio-mechanical effects of a semi solid or PLS AFO. The ABBY™ has a heat-moldable foot orthosis that fits either left or right and delivers adjustable Dorsiflexion to 20º and Plantarflexion to 40º , along with Varus/Valgus adjustment capabilities all in one AFO system.
PDAC Approved L-1971

The APU® Articulating Ankle/Foot Orthosis is an Adjustable Posterior Upright design that provides the practitioner a more precise, simplified, and calibrated method of setting the optimal dorsiflexion to 20º or plantarflexion to 40º angle for the patients foot/ankle complex. This setting of the optimal angle is done by simply loosening the two adjustment screws on the joint, repositioning and then retightening the screws. Like all of our posterior upright AFO designs, you will eliminate any pressure to the heel along with the medial/lateral aspects of the malleoli (ankle bones) that typically are attributed with double jointed systems. The APU® Orthosis versatility allows for its inclusion in custom made thermoplastic AFO and KAFO systems.
Suggested PDAC L-4396

Anatomical Concepts Inc. introduces the Bariatric APU® Orthosis. This AFO was designed to accommodate your larger patients. The Bariatric APU® Orthosis can be used on the ambulatory patient as well as the recumbent patient and offers the same functionality of the standard APU® (Adjustable Posterior Upright) Orthosis utilizing the heavy duty APU® joint.
Suggested PDAC: L-4396
APU® Articulated AFO is a registered trademark of Anatomical, Concepts, Inc.

The sophisticated DDA™ (Dynamic Dorsi-Assist) Orthosis is designed to dynamically stretch the gastroc muscles, offsetting equinus contracturing. The use of a series of posterior articulations allows for a virtual unrestricted range of plantar or dorsiflexion. The DDA™ Orthosis also provides nearly unlimited inversion or eversion of the ankle/foot complex.
Suggested PDAC: L-4396

The Dual Action Orthosis offers patients the same outstanding features of our APU® (Adjustable Posterior Upright) Orthosis and the EV™ (Equino-Varus) PRAFO® Orthosis in one. The Dual Action Orthosis accommodates and helps control varus and valgus conditions of the ankle/foot complex + or - 30º. Further, practitioners using the Dual Action Articulating Ankle/Foot Orthosis will find it to be a more precise and simplified method of setting the ankle/foot complex in the sagittal plane to accommodate ankle dorsiflexion to 20º and plantarflexion to 40º.
Suggested PDAC: L-4396

The EV™ (Equino-Varus) Orthosis is another Ankle/Foot Orthosis that offers positive heel suspension. Additionally, it accommodates and helps control varus/valgus conditions of the ankle/foot complex (+ or - 30º). The calibrated settings on the bar allow for a more accurate documentation of the patient's progress. The adjustable anti-rotation bar helps to control unwanted extremity rotation.
The EV™ Orthosis bar not only works well in our standard AFO's, but also is extremely useful when used as the distal segment (PKA™ Orthosis) in our custom-made KAFO's, or with our pre-fabricated knee or KAFO systems.
PDAC Approved L-4396

Our flagship product is the PRAFO® Orthosis, which is a fully adjustable, custom-fitted AFO that can help manage many of the ankle/foot anomalies your patients present to you.
We bring you several variations of this product line which consist of different sizes (bariatric, adult and pediatric), liner options (Kodel®, Fleece, Terry Cloth, Polyurethane Foam or Pad & Strap) with various color choices. Also, we have accommodated this line with optional accessories that help complement secondary needs. Keep in mind, we’re practitioners and designers, and we’ll help guide you in choosing the most appropriate AFO system based on patient etiologies, cost and applications. Please contact us for assistance in providing your patients the correct model.
PDAC Approved L-4396
PRAFO® Orthosis is a registered trademark of Anatomical Concepts Inc. #1,793,550

Our RAPO™ product line is an excellent alternative for many common rehabilitative patient needs. RAPO™ Orthosis is a newer, low cost product line that provides the same structural superstructure as the PRAFO® Orthosis, but costs considerably less than the traditional PRAFO® Orthosis. It’s still structurally superior over the common one piece plastic orthoses, and offers multi-functional adjustment options for many rehabilitative needs. When you need a PRAFO® Orthosis that’s both reliable and affordable, you’ll see how our RAPO™ Orthosis line delivers both.
RAPO™ available in Adult, Pediatric and Infant sizes.
PDAC Approved L-4396

RIBBY™ Orthosis is a custom fit, Articulated AFO. RIBBY™ Orthosis is an alternative, immediate way to manage the rehab patient's orthotic care 24/7 from the initial onset of his or her accident. The RIBBY™ Orthosis incorporates the functions of Ambulation, Stability and Positive Positioning into one AFO. If necessary, the RIBBY™ Orthosis provides the option of locking out the ankle while continuing to provide static adjustability of dorsiflexion to 20º or plantarflexion to 40º to optimize patient function and control of the anatomical knee joint, thus allowing for proper biomechanical gait parameters for a safer ambulatory environment.
The RIBBY™ Orthosis is a fantastic and creative way to display your facility’s ability to provide excellent orthotic care that addresses the rehab patient’s needs 24/7, in a most cost-effective and yet profitable manner.
PDAC Approved L-1971

The TERRA™ Articulating Ankle/Foot Orthosis delivers similar benefits as the RIBBY™ Orthosis and ABBY™ Articulating Ankle/Foot Orthoses, but offers additional features appropriate for some patients. The integrity of the superstructure is unmatched by other Ankle/Foot orthoses.
PDAC Approved L-1971
APU® Orthosis is a registered trademark of Anatomical Concepts Inc. #2,490,261

The Tri-Planar Articulating Ankle/Foot Orthosis combines the sagittal and coronal plane adjustment features of the Dual Action Orthosis with an additional transverse plane adjustment joint. This is another Ankle/Foot orthosis we’ve designed and fabricated to address multiple patient etiologies with one orthoses.
Suggested L-4396
Tri-Planar is protected under U.S. Patent No 7,112,181

The EMO™ Elbow Orthosis offers a unique, simple design with its dorsal fitting single-jointed frame creating a more low profile, non-bulky option for optimal support and increased compliance for your patients. The quality and functionality of the design includes; a NEW wrap-around liner closure with open cell material, static-progressive ROM positioning for 0⁰ to 110⁰, adjustable fulcrum point elbow pad and system allows for total length adjustments between 10.25” to 12.25”. The EMO™ is a more cost effective alternative to custom or the more common multi-jointed options on the market today.
Suggested L-3760

The Ratchet and Variable ROM Joint System (QUAD™) has a low profile design that enables a simple fast fit. The new wrap-around closure and single dorsal upright eliminate boney impingement most commonly found with other traditional elbow systems. Medical professionals will appreciate decreased fitting times and infinite ROM positioning between 0⁰ to 110⁰. The QUAD™ elbow orthosis joint offers four functional variations (Ratchet, Lock out, Variable ROM and Free motion) that can help address numerous patient needs. Please refer to the multimedia below for "how to" videos for the different joint adjustments.
Suggested L-3760

The KMO™ (Knee Management Orthosis) features a unique, single posterior joint that is cost-effective, patient-friendly and a more accurate alternative for static progressive positioning of the knee. Unlike the limited standard choice knee immobilizer, the KMO™ has the ability to more effectively position the normal anatomical alignment of the patient's knee joint which can easily be set in position without the need to heat or contour the upright in order to accommodate or progressively improve knee contracture issues, specific post-op ROM (Range of Motion) positioning needs or minor fracture stabilization. ROM positioning of the KMO™ knee joint can be pre-set prior to the actual fitting or while it's on the patient's lower extremity.
KMO™ Orthosis is protected under U.S. Patent No 7,122,016

The KMO™ V-V (Knee Management Orthosis w/ Varus/Valgus adjustment) features a unique, single posterior joint that is cost-effective, patient-friendly and a more accurate alternative for static progressive positioning of the knee. Unlike the limited standard choice knee immobilizer, the KMO™ has the ability to more effectively position the normal anatomical alignment of the patient's knee joint which can easily be set in position without the need to heat or contour the upright in order to accommodate or progressively improve knee contracture issues, specific post-op ROM (Range of Motion) positioning needs or minor fracture stabilization. ROM positioning of the KMO™ knee joint can be pre-set prior to the actual fitting or while it's on the patient's lower extremity, along with adjusting for Varus/Valgus if needed.
KMO™ Orthosis is protected under U.S. Patent No 7,122,016

The Pentagon® Orthosis is a unique posterior fitting, single-jointed upright knee orthosis that provides another patient-friendly alternative to the traditional bulky double upright hinged knee orthoses configurations. This system design also allows for a simplified fitting of the knee orthosis that helps address many different rehabilitative needs for sagittal plane stabilization. The Pentagon® Orthosis design can address up to five different mechanical knee functions (Free Motion, Drop Lock, Variable ROM, Ratchet Lock and Lock Out).
The Pentagon® Orthosis is the only system that allows the calf and thigh segments to dynamically shorten and lengthen with the patient’s extremity during flexion and extension of the knee in order to accurately track the normal anatomical knee center alignment for maximum stability which also helps to reduce unwanted friction to the skin to increase patient comfort and compliance.